Hi Bo,

On Wednesday, November 12, 2003, at 9:00:51 PM PST, you wrote:

> Perhaps I am failing to describe my problem adequately, so let's say
> you open a message in your inbox, then you select the "Next" icon
> option. It has been my experience that the next message will
> automatically open and present itself to be read. The Subject field
> of these messages aren't necessarily even related ... simply
> messages received in a certain order.

I guess you're reading in "Folder View".  Okay...

If you're not using any threading options, the message list will be in
simple chronological order (ascending or descending order, by either
time created or time received...all depending on your preference).

If you're reading like that, the "Next" icon will just go down the
list one by one.

If you're using a threaded view (threading by references is usually
the preferred way to thread), the "Next" icon will not open threads,
but jump to the next thread immediately after the last opened message
in the previous thread.

If you want to read threads one by one, message by message, the
easiest way is this:

Down arrow to go to the next message if it's on the same level (not a
direct reply to the current message).

Right arrow to go to the reply to the current message.

Then, if there are no more "nestled" replies from where you're at, yet
there are more messages in the thread below, the down arrow will again
take you to the next message.


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