Hallo William,

On Wed, 26 Nov 2003 22:08:03 +0000GMT (26-11-03, 23:08 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

WS> I can't get my reply template to insert the recipient's name into
WS> either a folder template or an address book template.

In an AB template it should be easy. You can insert his/her name
without any macros. ;-)

WS> I use this to get the first name from the address book:
WS> %AbFROMFirstName

You want to get the first name of the recipient in a reply, that means
you can get it the current To or from the old from, so the macro would
be %ABToFirstName (the current To) or %ABOFromFirstName ( the Old From)
When you're using this in an ABTemplate you're sure that you've got an
AB listing for your recipient, but when you're using this in a folder
or account template, it's possible that you haven't got a AB listing
for the original poster, so you could use:
%ABOFromFirstName="OFromFName" this macro'll take the first name from
the AB and when that's not possible it takes the first name from the
old from header.

Groetjes, Roelof

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