Hello Matt,

On Mon, 1 Dec 2003 21:55:44 -0800 GMT (02/12/2003, 12:55 +0700 GMT),
Matt Thoene wrote:

> What is the best way to do this and keep all
> messages/settings/addresses/filters/etc? I've made a list of what I
> think is correct...please fill in if I've missed any crucial
> steps...

I mistakenly installed TB in another directory than I intended to in
the office, and only noticed it after I had set up three accounts,
some 50 filters, several templates, and had received a couple of
thousand messages. I moved TB to the correct directory, and the task
may have been quite similar to what you want to do. Read on.

> -Tools-Backup - Selected every option

Didn't use that at all. Instead, I zipped the whole The Bat!
directory, including the Mail subdirectory, to another location.

> -Ran the tbback.bat file that was mentioned on the list recently.
>  Creates a .reg file of my TB settings.

The backup file didn't run under XP Pro: "choice" is an unknown
command. So I exported the RIT tree from the registry manually into a
.reg file.

> -Complete uninstall of The Bat!

Didn't even do that. What I did is just delete the reg key from the

> -Full Re-install of The Bat!

This I did. Targeted the correct directory for a change.

> -Run the saved registry file

No. It contains pointers to the old (wrong) directory.

> -Tools-Restore

Instead, I overwrote the new Mail directory with the backed up Mail
directory. For good measure, I also overwrote the new files in the The
Bat main directory with the backed up files.

> Anything I'm missing here?


Now is a good moment to open TB. You need to create the accounts again
from within TB. When you use the same account names (which you
should), the settings from the old account.cfg files will apply. I
don't remember whether I hit alt-crtl-shft-L to get the folder
reinstated, I think I didn't even need to do that. Anyway, if you
don't see all your folders, hit that undocumented key-combo.

I minor amount of settings was lost. I think the folder column
settings. That was not a big deal, because all folders use account
default settings, so I needed to recreate that only once.

Also, you will now have an unregistered version of TB. I hope you kept
your registration mail. Open it again, and go to Help / Register, and
the key will be imported again.

Exporting the registry key from the old installation was only a safety
measure in case my theory didn't work. It did, so I deleted the .reg

I then made the desired backup for keeps.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

Invent nonsense computer jargon in conversations, and see if people
play along to avoid looking ignorant.

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under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build 2222 A 
using a Pentium P4 1.7 GHz, 128MB RAM

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