Friday, December 19, 2003 at 8:08 AM (Pacific Time)

Hello Bat Users,

Well, I held off as long as I could before upgrading to version 2. I
used 1.62r a long time with no problems. Then I seen where I could
upgrade for only $14.00 until Jan, 10th because of the Christmas
specials. I just couldn't pass it up. I am really glad I did! The new
folder maintenance centre is very well done. I backed 1.62r up first
in case I had problems. Then I just installed 2.02.3 over the top of
1.62r, I wasn't sure you could do that but I had my back up so it
didn't mater. To my surprise, everything works fine so far. Even my
templates are working,and I thought I read something where they had to
be changed for version 2.

Anyway, I have always been very conservative when it comes to
upgrading software. I don't do it "just because" but I can tell you
that now is the time especially with the Christmas discounts. I am
still in the early stages of using version 2 but have not, yet anyway,
experienced any of the problems that I have seen others have on the
list. I just wanted to say how pleased I am with version 2. Everyone
have a Merry Christmas!

Wayne Black
Using TheBat 2.02.3 CE under Windows 98

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

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