Hello Allie,

Monday, December 15, 2003, 9:07:55 AM, you wrote:

> Quin Selman wrote:

QS>> Now TB! indicates a new message received from TechBargains, but
QS>> displays nothing! HTML newsletter messages from other sources
QS>> still display correctly in The Bat!.

QS>> Any thoughts about what might be wrong? I've just written
QS>> TechBargains about it but, since I've changed TB! versions
QS>> recently, I suspect The Bat!.

> Hmmm. This sounds similar to the problem others have been having with
> HTML mail. You'd need to send Ritlabs one of the problem messages.

> You could MIME forward me one of them as well so that I can see if the
> message displays OK at my end.

 Sorry for the delay in responding. I've been away.

 I noticed I could move the invisible messages to Trash via Empty
 Folder. Once they were in Trash, they were readable. That proved to
 be also true of them in other folders.

 So I emptied and deleted the original TechBargains folder and made a
 new one, along with associated filters. Problem solved, at least for
 now. I have to wait until a new TechBargains newsletter is received
 to see if the problem is really fixed. A new message could be an
 another invisible one.

Best regards,

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

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