Hi Batters,

Breaking from the 'underwhelmed' thread to pursue a specific issue, I
have to agree with the original poster that TB!s help is quite
shockingly bad.

I've been in IT for about 16 years now and TB!s documentation is unique
in my experience.  Most software documentation falls into one of three

(a) Minimal
Just enough to claim the documentation exists, glosses over much of the
actual detail, but nevertheless covers all of the major parts of the

(b) Commendable
Makes a serious attempt to cover all topics in detail and usually only
fails in a relatively small number of areas.  Most issues with this
category relate to the documentor's familiarity with the product leading
to assumptions of knowledge.

(c) Amateur
Not a technical writer in sight and often worse than no help at all.

The Bat! manages to be a mix of all three!  Some topics do not appear to
be covered at all - at least not where I expect to see it. Some of the
text is excellent and with superb detail, and some is actually
embarassing in its inability to convey the meaning.

Not everybody can write good documentation, but that is no excuse for
providing poor quality.  You wouldn't entrust the writing of TB!s code
to just anybody would you?  The documentation needs to be taken

Personally, I have learnt MS Office and many other software packages
without any kind of formal training and mostly by RTFM.  I don't believe
I would be able to make use of TB! as much as I do without this list and
I really hardly even scrape the surface.  It's a powerful piece of
software, but that power is buried.

How many out there would be prepared to may more for the next version of
TB! if a comprehensive, structured help system were provided?

Allister Jenks.
TB 2.01.3

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

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