Hello Susanne,

Saturday, December 27, 2003, 6:43:14 PM, you wrote:

> How about folders and filters?

> I have quite a large number
> of them, and might decide to stay with the old version if I
> have to set up every single one of those again :}

I don't think I had to change a single thing when I
upgraded (except the registration). I don't use a lot of
templates and most of my filtering is pretty basic, but
everything worked just fine after the upgrade. (I did
rearrange all my folders and update my filters at that
time, but that was just something that had needed doing
for some time - it wasn't forced on me by the upgrade.)


Best regards,
 Shauna                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using The Bat! version 2.01 on Windows XP 5

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