
I received another message with an attachment where The Bat did not
display as having an attachment.

F9 showed this:

Content-Type: application/msword;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment;


So, definitely a problem with The Bat.  And I have absolutely no idea
what is causing it.  Because TB's display doesn't show the attachment, I
cannot access it through the program's interface.

Of course, I can go to the attachment folder and see the Word doc
without a problem.  Closing and restarting TB doesn't help.  Shutting
down Windows and restarting doesn't help.  Not sure what is going on, or
why the previous message suddenly started displaying the attachment.

The only thing I can think of that might be an issue is that the
messages in question are both affected by a filter that moves them to a
common folder, and I have the attachment option set not to store with
message, but in a specific folder. (grasping at straws, here...)

It's very difficult to test, as this problem is intermittent. I just
tried sending myself a message (separate accounts) with an attached Word
doc. The message was filtered to a common folder. But the attachment was
there where is was supposed to be.

Interesting enough, I'm trying out PocoMail v3 and the "mystery"
attachment came through fine...  I haven't tried PocoMail out in a very
long time, and I gotta say, this new version is pretty nice.

It may be time to undertake the grueling task of switching mail clients.
I haven't been very happy with The Bat lately, and frankly, I'm as tired
of reading my whining on this list as everyone else is sure to be! ;)

 Ken Green
 Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

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