Hello bats,

on Fri, 30. Jan 2004 at 16:10:08 +0100 Jean Site wrote:

JS>>> Folder > Properties > Options > Compress on exit
JS>>> Does compress work, for each folder,  when I go from a folder to another,
JS>>> without leaving TB?
JS>>> With this option does time to leave a folder is more high?
dh>> It will compress on exit, not on changing focus.
JS> Thanks shinE

I'm not shinE.. you should shine! :)

JS> Does it compress all the folders ?

No, only those which are set to do so. I would recommend to set your
Inboxes to be compressed on exit, because all your mail is received
there and then either moved or deleted, so they would have to be
"compressed out" from there.

AFAIK Inboxes are set compress-on-exit by default.

For manual compression (of all or selective folders) choose
Folder/Maintenance.. (which would be better put into Tools menu,
because it's not binded to current folder - IMHO).

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