1/30/2004, 3:40 PM: dAniel said in "toolbar"
dh> Hello bats,

dh> What  about  a  toolbar  on  the  message  list window, that gives the
dh> ability  to  apply  a  Display mode (View/Display) and filter (RegExp)
dh> quickly?


dh> I  used  40tude  Dialog  [snip]  can  apply different filters and view
dh> modes.

Yes,  absolutely! I would love to see the quick search toolbar in the main
window  expanded  to  a  more  useful  state--something much like Dialog's
implementation.  And,  yes,  I would love to have this quicksearch toolbar
available in the message view window, as well.

Regarding  an upgraded quicksearch toolbar, what I'd most like to see is a
reg-ex  toggle.  Perhaps  a  view-mode  drop  down  would  also  be a nice

Peace, be well           J Allen R Day             http://protempore.org
Do you have blacks, too? -George W. Bush

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