Hello Thomas,

Friday, January 30, 2004, 8:15:44 AM, you wrote:

TF> ken green wrote:
>> I hope you find a solution to your problem.  But I'm curious, why are
>> Avi's posts breaking out of the thread?  Is this just me?  Every time he
>> posts - even though it's a reply to a specific message in a thread, it
>> seems to start a *new* thread.

TF> He is posting with Lotus Notes. There are no reference headers on
TF> which TB would recognise the thread.

OK. Since I'm posting THIS reply using The Bat, it should stay within
the thread :-).

Just an update: I discovered that the defaults were set to not
compress.  So, mail had never been compressed in the nearly two years
that I have used The Bat.  I first defragmented the hard drive and
then compressed all folders in The Bat. It made a HUGE difference in
the time it takes to open up The Bat.  Opening is almost
instantaneous, whereas, previously, it could take up to a minute.
Downloading (which was only sporadically very slow) is moderately
faster; however, since the slow downloads only occurred with relative
infrequency, it will take some time to determine if defragmenting and
compression completely eliminates them.  So far, everything is now
working fine.  Thanks to all for the compression suggestion.

Avram Sacks
Using The Bat ver. 1.61 ("h", I think--it doesn't show in

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

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