Thomas Fernandez wrote:
> I don't think it's a bug. It happens over here when I kill dupes and
> the last message I read was a dupe. It also happens when I purge &
> compress; I find it logical that the focus is at the top (it must be
> somewhere, right?).

I don't think it's a bug, either.  But I don't necessarily think the
current behavior is logical.  Of course, if the last message I was
viewing is deleted then I don't expect to see that message!

But by your logic, it would be logical if while reading through
messages, I deleted a message, the focus jumped to the top of the list.
And that certainly doesn't make sense.

How about mimicking the behavior of manual deletion?  While in the
message list, deleting a message brings the focus to the next message.
If the message that was deleted was the last one, focus jumps to the
previous message.

Now *that's* logical... ;)

I also do not like the behavior after applying a filter or view to a
folder that doesn't produce "hits", then removing the filter (view all)
and have the focus jump to the top.

This happens most often when I filter a folder, then move to another
folder without remembering to clear the view/filter.  Ctrl+= is easy
enough, but it brings me to the top of the message list.


Granted, your argument that it has to go *somewhere* does have merit.
But couldn't that be a global option set by the user?  The Bat is touted
as incredibly powerful and flexible, but in a few small areas (changing
the subject line is another example), TB is pretty rigid.

I think that returning from a filter or compressing, etc. focus should
return to the last message viewed.  If not that, then at least let us
choose top or bottom.

 Ken Green
 Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

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