
I also postet this mail in the BETA-Mailinglist and only got one
answer. Maybe in this group more people want to agree/disagree my
opinion. ;)

As the discussion about the SmartBat started I also have a wish:
please improve the usability to create a new date. It should be
possible to create a reminder when double clicking on a date or right
clicking on a date (or date-range) to create the new data. Also there
should be a possibility to see more than the actual month.

For usability (I am sorry to say that) Outlook is the standard. And I
must say for usability Outlook is quite okay for the Calendar. So
please have a look there how to make easy usage of calendar.

Also good would be that you can invite people. It would be perfect if
it even would be compatible with Outlook for invitations and
confirmations and stuff like that. I think many business user would
wish that feature.

I hope not to get flames because I mention a product which really is
not good (as a mail client) but it is fine with the workgroup
usability. If you could improve the handling of "The Bat" in the
scheduler that would be great.

Another question I have is that almost every software is able to
synchronise with Outlook. However if you want to use another (better)
software then you have the problem that you can't synchronise data
(calender, contacts, etc.) with the other software (e.g. MobilePhone
software, PDA's and stuff like that).

Would there be a possibility to program a interface which is
simulating Outlook but retrieving data from "The Bat"?

And what do you think about such an interface? I think it would be
very helpful and would make "The Bat" for many people (who need the
workgroup function) an alternative.

And no, this for sure is not a showstopper for the release of the
actual version of "The Bat". But I think this feature no other
software has so far! So think about it. ;)

Best regards,

Using The Bat 2.04 RC/3 on Windows XP

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