Hello Thomas,

On 25 Feb 2004 at 23:41:17 +0700 GMT [17:41 CET] you wrote:

TF> TB prouds itself for RFC-compliance. I have never received a mail
TF> without a From header, so I cannot confirm this is the culprit.

I get quite a few spams with nothing of pretty much everything. Take
this one as an example:

,----- [  ]
| X-Auth-No: 
| Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Received: from DAL not authenticated []
|         by smtp-send.myrealbox.com with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:   3.56  $ on 
Novell NetWare;
|         Wed, 25 Feb 2004 15:57:38 -0700
| Received: from by; Fri, 27 Feb 2004 05:03:15 +0600
| Message-ID: <K[20

The Bat doesn't have problems with these. Of course it shows nearly
nothing (it shows a created date in the year 1899) but it doesn't crash
or something.


"Imagination is the beginning of creation.
 You imagine what you desire,
 you will what you imagine
 and at last you create what you will."  

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