
Friday, March 5, 2004, 8:43:08 AM, you wrote:

JBL> Hello TB! Users,

JBL> I get mail from a daily news email that includes currency symbols.
JBL> Whilst the GBP and USD signs appear as they should, the Euro symbol
JBL> always appears as a code, as below:

>> Eircom valued at up to €1.3bn after pricing
>> Eircom, Ireland's largest telecommunications operator, set a price

JBL> Julian

Perhaps the original news item is written in HTML and then converted
into text-only along the way. I think that the & #8364; is an HTML
special code like & nbsp; is for non-breaking space.

Perhaps you need emails from oher users who include the € symbol in
text only email.

David Stone (UK)   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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