Hi Bats,

  I'm wondering if anyone has had problems with TheBat's MAPI interface
  causing a white, or blank screen in the program used while TheBat is
  sending the email?

  This problem has occurred in Atlantis word processor as well as Adobe
  Reader 6.1; also two other programs which I beta test.

  The Bat! is set to be the MAPI provider. At first, I thought it might
  be a function of the instability(?) of beta programs, but now the
  (bloated) Adobe Reader is doing the same thing.

  In fact, one of these beta programs which had the white screen effect,
  has just added a function to email .PDF's right from the program, and
  so if the document is mailing through the non-acrobatic Adobe Reader,
  it's the reader that blanks, not the program which was the one
  white-screening earlier.

  Any takers?


 mm                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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