Hi Bats!

 I've setted the entries in my Address Book adding the category in the
 last name, after a " - " mark.
 E.g. first="Jacopo", last="Ognibene - Work"

 Now, I use a template for automatic addressing to the recipient by:
 - the first name (for friends) e.g. "Hi John!"
 - the last name (for others)   e.g. "Dear Mr. Smith,"

 How can I cut any text after the " - " mark in the last name?

 E.g. "Dear Mr. Smith - Work" becomes "Dear Mr. Smith"

 Cheers and cheers again to the TBUDL family!

 Jacopo [Italy]
The Bat! v2.04.4 on Windows XP  5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 1
Using TBUDL information:

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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