
  I searched and thought I'd found an answer to the problem of replying
  to a list when the list is set to reply to the sender.
  I put %Reply-To="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in my reply template for the
  folder, but it didn't have an affect.

  I found this as a change in recent versions of TheBat!
  "Don't use From name for Reply-TO addresses" option.

  However, I can't find the option so haven't been able to test it.

  Sorry for what must have been asked and answered before, but I have
  spent some time trying to figure it out but gave up. :-)


Doug Weller  Moderator, sci.archaeology.moderated
Submissions to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Doug's Archaeology Site: http://www.ramtops.co.uk
Doug and Helen's Dogs: http://www.dougandhelen.com

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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