Dear B,

@22-Apr-2004, 08:30 -0400 (22-Apr 13:30 UK time) B R i a N S [BRI]
in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Marck:

BRI> is in the correct path (C:\GnuPG\) I extracted it to that
BRI> folder, I ran the regitry key and later i ran it in the command
BRI> line. Works perfectly.

Yes - but it doesn't appear in the system environment variable
called "PATH". Until is does, TB won't know where to find it.

BRI> And "the bat" doesn't even recognize it.

See! ;-).

BRI> It is very disconcerting.

It is.

BRI> I will install the version 2.01 to see what happens.

It won't help a bit. You must change the PATH environment variable.

In XP: Right click on "My computer" and select "Properties". Click
on the "Advanced" tab. At the bottom of that tab is an "Environment
variables" button. Click that. The bottom half of the window that
opens contains the "System variables", one of which is "Path". Find
that, select it and click "Edit". At the end of the "Variable value"
field, add ";C:\GunPG\". Click all the OK buttons you can find and
that will fix the problem.

Cheers -- //.arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v2.10.01 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Attachment: pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.10.01 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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