On Saturday, April 24, 2004, 11:36:10, Dougie Coull wrote:
> Yes this confused me as well :-(
> It now appears that the text beginning with 'www' does appear as a
> hyperlink when read in plain text, but when read in HTML it just appears
> as text with no hyperlink shown.

Not so confusing. That www.whatever.com is shown as a (clickable)
hyperlink in the text viewer is just because the viewer makes it a link
(since there is no other way of embedding hyperlinks in plaintext).
If it's in HTML, the HTML-viewer doesn't make it a hyperlink, since it
would expect a corresponding <a href> tag. There is none, thus
http://www.google.com is just plain text in a HTML viewer. <a
href="http://www.google.com";>Goooooooogle</a> should show up as a link in
the right context, though.

Regards, Roman

Roman Katzer, Aachen, Germany

If the cops arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain

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