I am curious if anyone knows the meaning of the many parameters
located inside the advanced.ini file? My 0.5.4 version parameters are

working thread priority="2"
onexit thread priority="3"
selective download spam threshold="10"
export selective download="1"
simple digits spam marks="1"
no spaces spam marks="1"
limit size to hash="19"
limit size to hash header="96"
use expiration="0"
age to expirate="999999"
learn from zero="1"
max size of log file="0"
recalculating strategy="3"
regarding threshold="1.5"
use autotrain="1"
use degeneration="1"
number of exclamations="5"

... but other than perhaps "number of exclamations" (which I assume
looks for the number of !!!!! marks before flagging as spam), I
haven't a clue how to go about optimising these values. Does anyone
have an "advanced.ini for Dummies" guide to share? I simply copied my
0.5 values over to my 0.5.3 manual installation advanced.ini file. I
would sure like to know what I am doing, however.

Thanks in advance! /Daniel

Kindest Regards,
Daniel Nelson

Using The Bat! v2.10.03 Corporate [BayesIt! 0.5.4] on Windows XP 5.1
Build 2600 Service Pack 1 - Antivirus scanned by NOD32 Enterprise.

Version: 3.12
GMD d? s:+++ a C+++ UB++++ P+ L E--- W+++ N+ o-- K++ w O- M? V-- PS--
PE+ Y- PGP- t 5 X+ R tv+ b++ DI+++ D+++ G++ e++++ h--- r+++ y+++

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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