Dear Jwayne,

@10-May-2004, 09:17 -0400 (10-May 14:17 UK time) jwayne [J] in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Marck:

J>>> Thanks. BTW, I only found the Gmane link via Google.

MDP>> Damn! That's being sent out by the list server and it thinks
MDP>> it's sending HTML instead of plain text. I shall have to go
MDP>> a-mending.

J> Oh, and one more thing. The Gmane links on
J> are incorrect.
J> They should be be prefixed with news://, not nntp://.

I don't think so. They work perfectly as they are. nntp:// is the
correct prefix for news protocol URLs.

Cheers -- //.arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
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