Nick Danger wrote:

When you highlight text and do a "Reply Quoting Selected Text"
shouldn't that override any other default type response?

In particular I'm referring to selecting text below the sig cutoff
marks "-- ". If I select this text then I am making a conscious effort
and decision to include this in my reply. Yet, the program assumes
differently and removes it.

Thoughts? Opinions? Agree or disagree? Ginger or Mary Ann?

This has been mentioned before. I agree with you 100%

For a program to be so powerful and user-configurable as The Bat! it seems a bit strange to have it override my decision like that. I understand the TB is designed to trim everything after a signature when quoting. That's great, and what I want 95% of the time.

But if I EXPLICITY select an entire message and want to quote that, the TB should allow me to do this. I know I can use the %Text macro, but this isn't what I want, and it shouldn't be necessary. This has bugged me for awhile. (it ends up feeling very Microsoft - a la Word or Outlook).

 ken green
 definitely Mary Ann

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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