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This is from a TB user who is not a member of this list ...

,----- [  ]
| Since upgrading to 2.10.03, I can't get navigation to work as I want.
| It  has changed.
| My mesages are filtred into dozens of different folers within an
| account  (fairly standard practice I assume).
| I would like to leave unread messages lying around awaiting later
| attention, but still be able to cycle through all unreads.
| This almost worked with my previous version in that <Ctrl+]> or
| Ctrl+Left  Arrow would junp to the next unread in the account provided
| I was  currently in a folder with 0 or 1 unreads.
| If I had > 1 unread in the current folder, that key-combination would
| simply cycle round and around in the current folder.
| That meant I could leave a maximum of 1 unread in each folder and
| still  navigate around all unreads in the account. Not as good as
| Ameol, but sort  of livable-with.
| 2.10.03 is worse :-( It will not jump to the next unread if the
| current  folder contains even 1 unread. The key-combination simply
| results in  nothing happening.
| I can't believe I'm the only person to be stuffed by this...
| Perhaps there's an option or setting to change this behaviour?
| Please, please can someone tell me what it is!!!

Can any one help?

- --

Using The Bat! v2.11 Beta/5 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1
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process of thinking. This is true only of certain persons.

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