Hi Kevin,

On Tue, 18 May 2004, at 21:42:49 [GMT -0400] (which was 7:42 PM where
I live) you wrote:
KC> I have to ask .... can you now disclose the purpose of the probes
KC> and what the initial problem was? If I missed the original thread
KC> can you point me in the right direction?

A user subscribed using the RiskFreeMail.com Challenge/Response
system. Either the system is incapable of, or the user didn't properly
configure it to exclude list traffic from its challenges.

Basically what happened is when anyone posted to TBUDL, this user's
C/R system sent them an e-mail requesting them to respond to the
challenge so that their mail would be allowed to this user's inbox. I
liken it to people who post to lists with the Reading Confirmation
Flag set.

At any rate the problem with this particular system is that it doesn't
tell you who the real subscriber is, and even though I did respond to
the challenge, I was unable to determine who the user was, and hence
unable to tell them that their C/R system was causing so much grief.

E-mails to RiskFreeMail.com went unanswered / ignored, so our only
alternative was to devise a probe system that allowed us to uniquely
identify who that subscriber was so we could unsubscribe them.

It took a few probes as their system didn't respond to the first set
of probes, which we assumed to be a SPAM blocking feature on their end
because the user's e-mail address was identified in the subject line.
We took a look at the methodology and came up with another method to
uniquely identify them via an ID number buried in a rather innocuous
subject line. This was the methodology we used to send out the last

The probes did what they were designed to do in that it did reveal who
the user ultimately was which we unsubscribed.

I apologize for the number of probes as we had to work some kinks out
of the PHP code and MySQL database.

Again, thanks for everyone's patience. We'll keep this tool on hand
(now that the bugs are worked out) and use it ever so sparingly if a
RiskFreeMail.com user ever subscribes again.

Leif Gregory 

List Moderator (and fellow registered end-user)
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