Tue, 25 May 2004 09:53:49 -0500 (10:53 AM  here) Russell L. Farabee wrote:

> Hello To All,

> I have tried every way possible, but I cannot seem to have a working
> reply email address link except in the MicroEd Editor.  I am trying
> to send out a group of mass mail emails to individuals (each
> addressed to an individual) and for reasons not worth getting into,
> I need to use HTML.  I've searched through all of the archives and
> found no answer and haven't heard back from support.

> So far, it seems the only way to do that is to open each email
> individually and insert the URL for the email address using the
> toolbar.

> Is there some work around?  Perhaps make one master email and in
> some way to use regular expressions to then send from the address
> book?  I'm pretty much lost here.  The templates work great with the
> MicroEd editor, but when you start trying to use them with html, you
> lose all of the benefits of html.  I can't figure out how to format
> different parts of the text or otherwise do anything other than type
> in the message.  While I hate to resort to Outlook, I'm beginning to
> think that may be my only solution, although I (strange as it may
> seem) have NEVER used it.  Another learning curve.

> I am sending this request to both the TBUDL and TBTECH lists.

If I understand you correctly, it might help you to look at:

TheBat! => Help => Help Topics and find BCC.

Using: The Bat! v2.10.03, BayesIt! 0.5.4, MyMacros 1.10
       Windows 2000 v5.0 - Build 2195 - Service Pack 4


Daniel A. Grunberg       Kensington, Maryland, USA
homepage: www.nyx.net/~dgrunber/

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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