 ~~( __ _"o   Was Mon, 31 May 2004, at 20:49:56 +0500, 
    @  @      when Mamuka Khantadze wrote:

> I have finally migrated to Linux. I do know that there is an export
> function in the Bat!, however, any advise on how to export (messages,
> accounts) to Linux would be higly appreciated.

When I want my mail from TB in Linux, I firstly select messages I want
exported, and then use: Tools - Export Messages - UNIX Mailbox, and save
the file(s) with .mbx extension. Then I import them usually in Sylpheed.

It actually saves bunch of messages in one (plain text) file
("mailbox"), which is readable by all mailers, while those with
extension .msg (only TB!?) and .eml (only O/OE?) are not.

I don't know for accounts/settings, since never tried that.

> I should say that it is pitty there is no Linux version of the Bat!.

Yes, it is.


Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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