Tuesday, June 1, 2004, 4:27:30 PM, you wrote:

PS> You can use systems like POPFile with The Bat!, but
PS> personally I don't see much value in doing so. Filters that sit in
PS> front of mail clients (like POPFile) take longer to train and are much
PS> less likely to build up a good base of statistics that show what your
PS> legitimate email looks like, especially if you don't receive much
PS> legitimate email when compared with the volume of spam.

At the risk of sounding argumentative, which is not my intent:

Any antispam program, plug in or not, has to sit in front of the
email, before the mail client decides where to filter it. Popfile is easy to
train and here it is running in the neighborhood of 99.5% accuracy. I have
magnets set for much of the legit mail which makes it much easier on popfile.
I don't bother to check the spam filtered messages for most of my mailboxes,
only the business ones and then only occaisonally.

I have never tried BayesIt, but will have to do so. Maybe I can get it up to
100%... Being a plug in makes it easier to install and set up, but does not,
in itself, affect accuracy. My take is to try them all and then choose.

Just my .02


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