Nick Ohare, [NO] wrote:

NO> Thank you for the blazing fast reply!  Unfortunately, I think
NO> I wasn't very specific as to what I was asking.  I just talked a
NO> friend into switching over to the Bat! from Netscape mail and he
NO> wants his received messages to show the jpgs in the message body
NO> as opposed to the tabs.  Basically, so that he can scroll down the
NO> message and see the text and images together.  I know that both
NO> Outlook and Netscape mail can do this.  Can the Bat!? 

I know exactly what you mean since I use ThunderBird at work, and no,
TB! will not do this with plain text messages carrying attached pics.

Hitting a tab isn't really more difficult than scrolling so it doesn't
really matter to me either way.

-=[ Allie ]=- (List Moderator and fellow end-user)

Running The Bat! v2.11.02 on WinXP Pro (SP1) 

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Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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