Allie Martin wrote:

> Chris Weaven, [CW] wrote:

CW>> Apologies if I've missed it somewhere or if I'm OT, but is the a
CW>> definitive list anywhere of what combinations produce what smilies, or
CW>> is it a case of trial & error/suck it and see?

> There's a folder called 'Images' in the TB! installation directory. In
> it are all the smileys and a file called pdsf.msl. Open that file in
> a plain text viewer.

I added it as a pad in SmartBat for ease of reference/tweaking.


Using The Bat! 2.11 on Windows XP Pro 5.1, Build 2600, Service Pack 1.

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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