AM> Max Rydahl Andersen, [MRA] wrote:

MRA>> I've been using The Bat in the past on and off the last couple of
MRA>> years to see when it would get respectable IMAP support....and it
MRA>> seems that has finally arrived with the 2.11 release.
MRA>> So, now I've bought it to support the great software... :)

AM> Welcome aboard though I must admit that IMAP still has some problems,
AM> one that you've detected below.

yeah - I'm starting to see the tweaks ... anyone know if these are
high-priority for the The Bat team ? ;)
(since I wrote the originally mail I've gotten 8 access violation
messages - not very asuring ;( )

MRA>> And now onto the questions:

MRA>> BayesIt and Junk mails:
MRA>> I can see that BayesIt has loaded it's files etc. in the Information
MRA>> page of the plugin, but it has not filtered any messages yet - all
MRA>> stats (except the stuff about the "base") is all zero's !?
MRA>> Is that intentional ? ;)

AM> Are you using BayesIt with an IMAP account? I don't know if it will
AM> work with IMAP accounts.

yes - of course i'm using it with IMAP accounts...nowhere does the bat
docs mention that IMAP message source are limited compared to POP.
(but I had seen it coming...especially since I've now read 5-10
entries on this mailinglist about limitations/bugs about filtering and
IMAP....thus I've taken the consequence and started using imapfilter
to do that particular task instead...that will also allow me to
migrate to another mail client without having to reconfigure
filters)..but i still would like if bayesit could be activated ;)

MRA>> Speed/Multithread:
MRA>> Can it be true that The Bat is waay slower to fetch a message while at
MRA>> the same time checking the state of my folders on my IMAP server ?
MRA>> Neither Thunderbird, Mozilla, Opera M2 nor Outlook Express has so long
MRA>> a waiting period from clicking on a new mail and when it is shown in
MRA>> the preview pane or message dialog?!

MRA>> Is there a "enable multithreading of status and mail reading" or
MRA>> something that I have overlooked or The Bat just a "one job at the
MRA>> time" kind of mail reader ? ;)

I've configured it as you said (getting only one access violation in
the process ;( ) ....and it seems somewhat faster, but now there seem
to be a big mismatch between the unread/total stats....oh well - i'll
will probably learn to live with them :(

Btw. can anyone point me to an explanation of the different
"states"/markers of unread total ?

Like what does Unread: 5 <*> Total: 7 <*> means ?
And Unread: 55 <56> (364) Total: 5.655 <5.656> (6.872)

anyhow thanks for the "imap optimzations" - i'll get back to you if
they start behaving weird ;)


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