Hello Tim,

>> I thought as much but since the same reply was received for two
>> different people I thought I might be interpreting it incorrectly. So
>> can you, or anyone, tell me what I should do now? I apparently have no
>> way to contact RITlabs (which is a very bad situation in itself) and I
>> can't get an answer on this list.  Is there somewhere else I can ask
>> about my problem?

TS> I could try again with me as From, and you (Jack) as reply
TS> to, or even create a [EMAIL PROTECTED] specially for the
TS> purpose... Shall I do that?

I would certainly appreciate it.

TS> The alternative is to try and track down why the rDNS connect back
TS> is failing

It's a pretty sad situation to have to jump through all of these hoops
to get, what to me is, a relatively simple problem solved.


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