Hello Martin!

On Wednesday, June 09, 2004, 4:14 PM, you wrote:

MW>>> Do you see the image in one of the tabbed panes; e.g. Clipbrd1.gif?

MB>> No.

MW> That's does seem rather odd. How about tabs such as Part.txt? (take any
MW> signed message from me in TBBETA)

Oh, I understand your question about "image" now. Yes, I see Part.txt
in your signed message in tbbeta. And, for example, I see:
"Wrenfamilygroup.jpg 69,102 bytes" in the button for one of the
attachments--the same as I see in a "mouseover" of the attachment

Your Clibrd1.gif example confused me. I'm even more dense than usual
at this time of day. Sorry. :(

MW>>> Also, do you see the following in Options | Preferences | Protection?

MW> ...<snip>

MB>> Yes.

MW> I'm going to look into this a bit more since changing it made no
MW> difference to my set up.

Thank you so much!

MW>>> This is from the registry key:


MB>> I can't find this key in my registry. But surely it is there since I
MB>> have the file names in Options/Preferences/Protection. I opened
MB>> everything in the registry I could see under HKey/Current
MB>> User/Software/Rit/The Bat!. Didn't find that key. Strange.

MW> It's in my setup _but_ I did import my registry setting when I rebuild
MW> XP a few months ago so it could be redundant. I can send you that key if
MW> you like.

Please. It might be worth a try. A reference to that was the only
thing I found in the tbudl archives--it was from an exchange in 2000,
when someone had blocked TB! from opening attachments and wanted to
undo it and forgotten how.


MW> I chose .gif simply because I could see one in my message list.
MW> Nonetheless, I don't think it's a program association problem as this is
MW> about TB! internal protection mechanisms.

I see.

MB>> So what if I emptied the fields for both Enable and Disable under
MB>> Protection? Would that be safe to do? I could save a copy of them and
MB>> put it back afterward.

MB>> What do you think?

MW> I shouldn't be a problem so long as you know that you are opening images
MW> only. I'm going to give this a try too.

Okay, I'll try that.

Best regards,

The Bat! 2.11.02 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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