Bonjour Marck,

Le vendredi 11 juin 2004 à 11:54:55, vous écriviez :

MDP> Dear Alexandre,

MDP> @11-Jun-2004, 09:06 +0200 (11-Jun 08:06 UK time) Alexandre Vialle
MDP> [AV] in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Robert:

AV>> well I thought version 2 would be better. Now I wonder what will
AV>> happen to me next...

MDP> this:

MDP> <moderator>
MDP> Note: This moderator's interjection is a note to all readers and not
MDP> just to the person being replied to, even if their post may have
MDP> instigated this reply. Please don't feel singled out Alexandre.

Why should I?

MDP> This posting violated the list rules regarding top posting.

Oh, this sounds really bad. I didn't feel like I was violating this
list's rules. In fact I was much more preoccupied by my problem,
rather than any rules rape. But please accept all my excuses.

MDP> Top posting, i.e., typing all your reply text at the top of your
MDP> message and following it with all quoted text below, is not
MDP> encouraged and we actually request that you not do so on this list
MDP> because 

MDP> a) It makes it difficult to glean context from what you typed at the
MDP>    top of the message

Oh it's true, using the scroll bar on the right side of a window is
such a hard thing to do. I can understand really. For my part, I
bought the Microsoft IntelliMouse with a special button rolling on the
middle that helps you for this particular purpose. It works really
great. I think this is a great thing to have to read anything, web,
pdf, mails, source codes, etc. And most of my active colleagues agree
with that.

MDP> and

MDP> b) It encourages excessive quoting.

Oh I see. For my part I was not too good at school with summaries,
this probably explains your remark. Also, I have no difficulty to type
on a keyboard. It can be endless, even to say nothing. But I'll make a
special effort for you.

MDP> We would much prefer if you quote just that much of the message to
MDP> which you're replying, so we know what it is you're referring to,
MDP> and then below the quotation, type your response. If you're
MDP> responding to more than one part of the original, then quote each
MDP> part separately and follow each part with your response.

Just like I do now then.

MDP> Now, I know that you may not personally prefer this format and that
MDP> you may disagree with some of the reasoning here. We very much
MDP> respect this.

Wow, thank you, I was not seeking respect, but at least I have that.
As you can see now I sort of respect your preferences too now, most of
them, so we are all very happy now.

MDP> However, this is the format that most of the active members here
MDP> prefer and all members are expected, and are being asked to use
MDP> the format that will make most of the active membership here
MDP> comfortable reading.

I completely understand. But how active are they since they don't want
to type, and don't want to scroll? For my part I much more compare
activity with movement. No, I'm not only talking about the movement of
the eyes! Fingers can move a bit too on the keyboard and at least one
arm and one finger can move on the mouse. But the most important is
the brain activity, this means the most active members are not in a
deep coma or dead. :))

And for a comfortable reading, I recommend, silence, a pillow behind
the neck, a bucket to urinate and a perfusion of water and glucose.

MDP> You'll likely get a more responsive group when you post using a
MDP> style that is comfortable for them to read and understand.

Oh since I already have the answer to my question: "The Bat is not the
reliable product I thought it was", I wont annoy anyone here anymore I
swear. I'll just uninstall The Bat, unsubscribe to this list, and let
"the most active members" between them. Oh and I forgot to thank you
very much for your respect, it goes right to my heart.

MDP> To find out why these MOD messages are posted to the list instead of
MDP> private mail, please read the welcome message you received when you
MDP> subscribed.

No thank you I don't care really.

MDP> :'='':''

Oh this little sign is pretty. Is it something "the most active
members" enjoy too?

MDP> Thank you.

I did nothing really. But thank you for the respect again :D

MDP> </moderator>'

Do I have to sign like this too? Well maybe the most active members
do, so I'd better do it not to hurt them :))
</terminator IV>



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