Dear Batologist,

I would like to put some symbol after/before the message subject to
mark the thread as very interesting.
Something like the flag option (no idea what it's for...)
But not per message but on thread basis.
So TB! should put a light bulb (for example) after the subject line of
each message in the thread. It also should keep track of the thread
when messages get added/removed.

This is especially useful when following high volume mailing lists or
After all some threads are of great interest to you.

The opposite is also true. Some threads turn into spam threads or are
about subjects you are not interested in.
So a quick filter button would be great too.
Yes I know TB! has filtering options but I'm looking for something
that filters/delete certain thread without much trouble.
Maybe even a group of threads.
Threads eventually will die so the filter should die with it.
For example set the filter to expire when it's 30 days old or 30 days
after the last message in a thread is received.

A big thanks to all who replied to this message and my previous
message. You where a big help!
A shame the list charter doesn't allow me to reply with a thanks ;(
Best regards, Tony                          

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