On Wed 16 June 2004, 6:27:37 +1000, Ken Green wrote:
> I don't recall how many versions I have noticed this, but it's grown
> annoying enough to post here.  When I forward a message, TB insists on
> *quoting* the message (preceding each line with ">") AND using the
> forward template I have set up.
> This happens whether I use %Text or %Quotes in my Forward template.


> Is this a known problem?  Is there something else I can do?  Does this
> happen to anyone else?

This is not a problem I experience. My forwarding templates simply work
as you are wanting yours to.

Robin Anson
Using The Bat! v2.11.02 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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