Hi ken,

Sunday, June 27, 2004, 3:31:15 AM, you wrote:

>>   It's listed as the 6th item in the list.

kg> Under what menu item? (Ex: in the Edit Shortcut Keys window, Main
kg> menu -> Specials ->, etc.)

  Options / Preferences / System Hot Keys

  It was because I noticed that the item is titled "Open MailTicker
  messages" that I realized it wasn't what you were looking for.

kg> I wonder is this is a newly added Shortcut key item? You are using a
kg> new version of The Bat than I am...

  Though I am using the latest released version, I think you'll see the
  same thing I do, if you look in the same place I am looking.

  In your other reply, you said:

kg> Also, I REALLY wish some of the shortcuts assignments could be
kg> actual toggles and not one shortcut for ON, one shortcut for OFF.

kg> Think about it: shouldn't the Connection Center shortcut simply be
kg> "toggle on if off, toggle off if on"?

  Actually, I agree it would be a valuable addition if the programming
  team could create a special class of "On-Off" hot key that could be used
  with a variety of items of the user's choice where on and off are the
  obvious states.

  From the UI side, I can see it as a simple question, "Set as toggle?",
  in the Edit Shortcut Keys dialog to which the user would answer "yes
  or no" when creating a shortcut. When answered in the affirmative, the
  key would function as a toggle. What must take place behind the scenes
  in the code to make that happen is unclear to me, but it SEEMS like it
  would be possible.

Using The Bat! v2.11.02 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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