Hallo Al,

On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 19:34:55 -0700GMT (30-6-2004, 4:34 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

AJ> Now how do I recover the files in the old Inbox?

How big is the messages.tbb of the inbox? When it's no so very big,
you might have a corrupt messages.tbi that can be deleted without
problems (or for safety's sake replaced to a secure location) and that
might fix it.
When your old inbox is very big and that wouldn't surprise me,
considering the 1134 messages you mentioned that were located there,
you might run into trouble.
That's why I asked in my previous message how big the messages.tbb was
(I'm talking MB's now, when you're in the GB ranges you're definitely
in trouble)
How much free space have you got on your c: drive (where your
temporary files are being stored) and how much free space have you got
on the drive where your message base is stored.

AJ> I looked in that location and found over 600 bat*.tmp files. I deleted
AJ> all of them plus some other tmp files I found as well.

That's okay. When TB doesn't delete its own .tmp files that's a
symptom of other problems, but it causes problems on its own, thus
making everything worse.

AJ> I tried to manually compress the Inbox but the program hung up.

That might be because you're out of free space to copy your

AJ> When I try to exit the program it also hangs.

That's probably because you've turned on compress on exit for some
folders that can't be compressed anymore.

When we've solved the problem, remember for the future that it's not
wise to store messages permanently in a high traffic folder. Your
inbox is the one folder with the most traffic, therefore it's the
first one top cause problems.
Of the 26500 messages in my account (I'm exaggerating, there are only
26416 of them), I've got only 58 stored in my inbox and I wouldn't
lose any sleep on losing all of them. Any message that you'd like to
read more than once should be moved to another folder.

Groetjes, Roelof

Disclaimer: Any opinion stated in this message is not necessarily shared by my budgies 
or rabbits.

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