Hi again Roelof,

> Suppose you're collecting stamps and you've got a list with stamps
> you're looking for. You send that list to a friend, meanwhile you
> add stamps to your collection and delete them from your list. Some
> time later you'd like to check how many changes you've made to the
> list you sent in order to decide whether you should post a new one.
> The only way this is possible is by having a copy somewhere.

That's exactly my point: I have a copy of it *myself*, TB doesn't have
to create one for me.

> Therefore just as TB saves the messages it sent, it also saves the
> attachments it sent. Anything else wouldn't be acceptable.

Well, it *is* acceptable in other mail clients. TB is the only one
I've tried that does this.

> However there is a work around.

Thanks very much for your long and detailed explanation! I'll try the
method out when I have more time. Until then, I'll just continue to
open the Attach folder and manually delete my own attachments. At
least I know now that there isn't anywhere I can just easily turn this
function off.

Best regards,
Britt Henrikson
Using TB! 2.10.03 on Win2000

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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