Hello Allie and others following this thread,

In response to the message Allie Martin sent on 13/07/2004 regarding
"Time to Upgrade (Was: One caveat about Folder View Settings in v.
2.11.02 [was Re: Time to Upgrade?])"

AM>>> From there new matches are dynamically added as the real
AM>>> folders are watched.

>> Andre mentioned using it for the messages he wants to reply to.

AM> I do the same. I created a colour group for replies.

AM> I then created a VF which will list all messages unreplied to and
AM> which have the 'for reply' colour group. So when I wish to mark a
AM> message for reply later on, I assign it the reply colour group. Since
AM> it's unreplied to it appears in the VF. When I reply to the message,
AM> it loses it's unreplied to status and therefore disappears from the

Very good. I intend to do that also. (I _would_ like to be able to
assign a color to a message from within the Message Dispatcher,

>>>> So maybe I should wait a bit.

AM>>> :) Why???

>> Because 1).- RitLabs is getting close to another full release (Mary
>> said);

AM> Since the v1 to v2 step, Ritlabs has always been close to full
AM> releases. The next will be out shortly. :)

>> and 2).- She also mentioned an irritating bug that might not be
>> present in the coming version.

AM> One irritating bug tends to replace another. The question is how
AM> much do these bugs mean to you.

AM> What I'm trying to say is that there's no sense waiting. There
AM> are many using the current incarnation of v2 for serious work
AM> and without significant problems.

All right, I'll try it.

AM> The only reason I'd suggest waiting for the next full release before
AM> trying v2 would be for IMAP. It has undergone a lot of improvements
AM> since its debut in v2's initial offerings.

I can still upgrade again when it is issued.

AM>>> Which all support HTML creation with the exception of probably
AM>>> Becky.

AM>>> Stability is a very personal experience.

>> We all operate under different conditions, with different hardware,
>> different software and internet accesses.

AM> Exactly. So the only way to know if TB! v2 will be stable for you is
AM> to actually try it.

When I began using TB! 1.35 (on a IBM Value Point 486 upgraded to an
Evergreen AMD P133 & 3 small hard disks which I almost never turned
off over 8 years), *nothing* except TB! would run smoothly.

AM> Features are another thing, but again there's only so much one can get
AM> out of a description of them.

I'm hearing experiences.

>> Both of my computers run WinXP (one Pro, one Home).

AM> Fabulous. Since when? :)

A couple of years ago (2002).

>> The first OS I used was OS/2 v 2.1, a better windows than windows, a
>> better dos than dos, now used only by banks.

AM> I lasted a couple months with Win95 and moved to OS/2 Warp.

Warp began with v. 3, then moved to 4 and sat there, forever.

AM> I agree wholeheartedly. OS/2 v2.1 was FAR better than Windows 3.1 and
AM> Warp 3&4 better than Win9x/ME and also NT4 in some respects. However,
AM> OS/2 stagnated while the others progressed. It's now a relic. :)

It had 10 million users, at one time (but win95 had 90 million).

IBM couldn't compete with M$'s promises. M$ managed to keep windows
users on the line (and rebooting constantly) until they were finally
able to duplicate the functions OS/2 already had, years earlier.
Another factor driving M$ was making sure their new versions weren't
compatible with OS/2. BG and GWB have a lot in common. While M$ was
supposed to be developing OS/2 for IBM, it was getting it's own dos
shell out the door instead.

>> The kind of mail you get allows you to systematize / automatize your
>> mail to a greater extent. Also, your work may emphasize or require
>> repetitive ways of doing certain tasks, where I need to innovate.

AM> I don't think it's the different type of mail

How many Sustainable Development, Alternative Agriculture, Co-op,
GeneWatch and Political News lists do you subscribe to?

You must get more biomed literature, though; and more things that
need a reply.

AM> but the difference in how we work and choose to approach mail
AM> management.

I have always taken your recommendations seriously, which is not to
say I'm in the same situation.


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