On Sun, 11 Jul 2004 02:06:43 +0700, Thomas Fernandez

>C> To continue on this topic, I just found out that the Mail Dispatcher
>C> of TB 2.02.3 CE (on my colleague's WinXP SP1) *does* show the message
>C> sizes when using a POP3 account on Mailtraq v2.5.1.1580 - while my TB
>C> (v2.10.01, also on WinXP SP1) doesn't.
>How about the current TB version?

I tested this by installing v2.04.07and onward on the mentioned PC
where 2.02.03CE initially did show the message size: neither version
shows the message size.

Very, very impractical when connecting using a mobile phone at 9600
bps... While traveling, in many countries this is (still) the only
available option.

As this change in behaviour is undocumented, I have just reported this
as an introduced bug.
RitLabs, please ... I WANT THIS REVERTED to the v2.02.03 behaviour !!!

>I have never had this problem with TB. Maybe it's a bug in MailTraq?

Definitely not! See above: v2.02.03 CE *does* show the message size
while talking to the same server. Looks to me a an undocumented change
in the MD.
During telnet tests I have seen that Mailtraq reports the UIDL for
each message when responding to the LIST command, as in:
   +OK verified, you have 23 message(s)
   +OK 23 messages (7569754 octets)
   1 5406 ATFRFB2ACDBB
   2 ...etc...

Where another server (Cubic Circle Pop3 v1.31) reports:
   +OK Congratulations!
   +OK 1 messages (989 octets)
   1 989

Current version is 2.12.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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