Hello subscriber2list,

On Tuesday, July 20, 2004 at 1:11:47 PM you wrote:

M>>   I've just migrated from one laptop to another using PC Relocator.
M>>   Everything with regard to The Bat! (templates, etc.) transferred in
M>>   perfect condition with no parts needing any special attention; an
M>>   apparent success story! :)

s> Congratulations!  Now ... what is PC Relocator?  Another software
s> product?


s> Or is it a feature of The Bat!?   Yes, I could "Google", but

Not a feature of TB! It is used to transfer everything from one
machine to another. One hooks up a choice of wires between the two
machines, and depending on which wire is used, the transfer of
everything from one machine to the other takes either few minutes or a
couple hours. I'm really satisfied because I was worried about
settings and saved mails not following The Bat! program over to the
new beast.

A slight emendation to my first mail: there was one eensy-teensy thing
that didn't work, and that was the proper sounds for the folders I had
set up. A sound was uttered, but not the one I had set. This was a
small problem easily remedied. I hope there are no other small
problems. :)

s> wanted to say "hi" as well!  :grin:

Plan to be spontaneous tomorrow.

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