Hi Darrin,

On Tue, 20 Jul 2004, at 16:56:56 [GMT -0700] (which was 5:56 PM where
I live) you wrote:
DR> I use Tbat and I dont see smileys. I just see the words grin with
DR> :: and a normal smile with : ). Am I missing something here? :(

Below are the instructions to get smileys working properly on your


- Your installation of The Bat! is in C:\Program Files\The Bat!
- Any folders referenced in this how-to are subfolders of the above.
- There is no need to close The Bat! while you perform these steps.

Let's start with a clean installation of smileys.

1. Delete *everything* in the IMAGES folder *except* Default.MSL and
   the folder named DEFAULT.

2. Download the following files:




3. Unzip both PCWSmileys.ZIP and Rogues.ZIP into the IMAGES folder.

4. You should now have the following files in the IMAGES folder:


   and the following folders:


   *And nothing else!*

5. From within The Bat!, hold down the following keys CTRL-ALT-SHIFT,
   press the letter 'T' (without quotes), and let go of all the keys.
   You may see this key combination referred to on the lists as

   This forces a reload of all the .MSL files.

6. Locate a message that you know has smileys in it. Everything should
   be working now.

Leif  -:-  TB Lists Moderator  -:-  PGP Key ID 0x7CD4926F

Tagline of the day:
Phonesia (fo nee' zhuh) n. The affliction of dialing a phone
number and forgetting whom you were calling just as they answer.

Roguemoticons - http://www.PCWize.com/thebat
PCWSmileys    - http://www.PCWize.com/thebat/pcwsmileys.php

Current version is 2.12.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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