DR>>   I have K9 right now. Dont know much about bayesit plugin. Where do I
DR>>   get it and where can I find more info on how to use it and install
DR>>   it?

MLW> Because BayesIT has no regEx and no DSNBL ability, it is hard to
MLW> train.  There is also no black/white list ability

For me, the main problem with BayesIT is that I can't process SPAM as
effectively with the Sorting Office. Using an external app like
POPFile allows me to delete SPAM from the server once downloaded. This
is great when I'm travelling as I leave one machine cleaning up the
server so my dial-up sessions aren't nobbled with SPAM.


Using TheBat!: v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.12.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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