On Fri, 06 Aug 2004 13:01:12 GMT, Chris wrote:

> What is the best way to archive messages in The Bat? 

IMO there are two "best" ways to go.  One is to export the 
messages to a Unix-style mailbox.  Tools/Export/Unix.  That is a 
stable format that can be imported by many programs, including TB! 
and Thunderbird.  The advantage of this route is that the mail 
sits on your computer ready to be used if necessary but otherwise 
out of the way in a multi-vendor format that is likely to be 
accessible into the near future.  The other approach is to use an 
e-mail archiving program, such as Mailbag Assistant.  
<www.fookes.com/mailbag>  The advantage of using Mailbag Assistant 
is that you could filter, search, import/export, and reply from 
that program; additionally, you could use it to archive mail from 
many different programs.  


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