On 8/16/2004 8:12 AM my time, Terry wrote:
TGM> This happened to me when I was using backup and restore to keep thebat
TGM> updated on two machines.

TGM> My problem was caused by setting TB up in a different directory on one
TGM> machine but using the default directory on the second machine.

TGM> My attachments existed but were in the "wrong" directory so the
TGM> attachments in the mail had the name but were of size 0.

Hi Terry,
  Thanks. Ill have to look into that. I think I did a system restore,
  but dont know if that had anything to do with it or not.

WinXP Home Service Pack 1
Tbat! 2.12.00

"Who is General Failure and why is he reading my disk?" 

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