Hello Plan9,

Wednesday, August 18, 2004, 10:49:01 PM, you wrote:

P> As an additional note I have tried the following formats:
P>    Memo
P>    Business card
P>    Telephone list
P>    Address list
P> and they are nice as far as they go, but stop a little short of
P> providing the flexibility that I would like. For example none permit
P> adding birthdays as far as I can tell and none provide any filtering,
P> although you can pick and choose entries from the address list (with
P> CNTRL-LEFTCLICK) to be included in the printed output.

now you are starting to get into PIM territory. You can't add a
birthday/anniversary/divorce date to memo ?? I add all my notes about
people to the Memo field.. BUT I agree, reports would be nice.

Best regards,

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