Hello Robin,

Sunday, August 29, 2004, 12:55:27 AM, you wrote:

> On Sun 29 August 2004, 2:44:26 +1000, Jurgen Haug wrote:
>> I have a little problem with a subject-modifier macro and need some help.
>> Thank you for looking here: http://www.safaribears.de/help/regex.html

> As I understand it, you are trying to take a subject like
> ":-* Re: something"
> and extract
> "something"

> If that is correct, the problem with the regex is not with what you have
> added, it is that it starts with "\A:?". This matches the first colon,
> then the ":-\* re" that you have added doesn't match what is left. You
> could add "-\* re" instead, or take out the ":?" at the beginning of your
> regex line.

thank  you!  that  did  the  trick! So this \A:? thingy isn't just looking for a
colon at the END? like actually it's :-* RE: and I thought that's the colon it's
looking for. This stuff is voodoo.

Best regards,
:eu-flag3: :de-bw:

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