Hello Thomas,

Sunday, August 29, 2004, 4:00:54 AM, you wrote:

TA> Hi fladdermöss,

TA> I've recently installed the latest version of BayesIT (0.5.11). Since
TA> then I've experienced sudden crashes with The Bat! I would like to
TA> retrain BayesIT from scratch since I think that's the problem.

TA> Can anyone tell me what files to delete? Should I delete everything
TA> under BayesIT/Base/* ?

I found files in two places. One place is in the "executable" tree ...
that is "c:/program files/TheBat" in a generic install (but it could
be somewhere else). The other place is the "data" tree. For me that is
"c:\my documents\TheBat". Down (or is it up? <g>) from there, in each
of those 'trees' there was a 'bayesit' directory with files and
subdirectories. After un-loading (or deleting) Beyesit from the
plugins menu, I had to delete *ALL* of those files and directories in
both locations before I could get bayesit to work after training.

Hope that helps.

Best regards,
 MikeD                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Using The Bat! v2.12.00 on Windows ME 4.90 Build  3000

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