On Wednesday, September 1, 2004, 4:43:05 PM, Jonathan Angliss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

JA> On Wednesday, September 01, 2004, jwayne wrote...

>> A major problem with 2.x was that it wouldn't render Outlook email properly. It
>> often concatenates words. Very annoying, especially when one wants to
>> reply/forward the message.

>> The bug was reported long ago but was never fixed. Does 3.0 fix this?

JA> No, but the problem is a mixed issue.  The cause is Outlook wrapping
JA> HTML lines, but not showing any kind of spacing between the two words.
JA> Nicely formatted email based HTML, would look like this:

JA> this is a new =
JA> line

JA> The = would tell TB to leave the space there (or they could use %20 or
JA> &nbsp;), and would nicely put a break in it. However, outlook does it
JA> like this:

JA> this is a new
JA> line

JA> The trailing space doesn't exist, so when TB unwraps it, it has no
JA> idea that they aren't two separate words. Of course, it could do it a
JA> different way, and treat a new line as a white space like most
JA> programs do. But then, what do you do with the additional space that
JA> gets put in there if somebody uses the top format? ;) Take a look at
JA> the HTML formatted email that TB sends out, it inserts the =, there
JA> are a few others do as well, I believe evolution does too.

I hear what you are saying but it's only on a reply that TB screws up.

1) TB is able to read the multipart/mixed message correctly.
2) The attached "HTML-message" file renders correctly when launched
3) Forwarding the message (contrary to my original post) doesn't concatenate

The burden (unfortunately) really rests on TB to fix how it handles replies to
such messages. MS is probably not going to do a diddly damn about it. They have
the market share, not TB. If TB's authors are serious about it becoming more
widely accepted they will have to take into account Outlook quirks (as well as
becoming more serious about very unprofessional and long standing issues such as
the atrocious Help file.)

(Suggestion one: look at the x-header. If it's from Outlook, substitute a space
for a crlf. Suggestion two: handle replies like forwards.)

'Course, the recent 3.0 fiasco may make all of this a moot point. They certainly
aren't making friends these days...


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